Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Background Size

Sorry guys, more annoying questions about the background.  I just want to be sure that I get the size right before I start!

This is a little tricky to explain, but hopefully it will make sense. Here it goes...

So I took the frame that is zoomed in the most (19) and put it into a box that was the correct size ration for the final render size.  Because we did not storyboard in the correct size boxes we will have extra space on the right and left edges of the frame that will end up being filled up with whatever's there I guess.

I then took the most zoomed out frame (59) and put it into a box that is the correct size ratio for the final render size.  On top of this I placed the most zoomed in frame and outlined the space it took up in red.  (this is the small box that says 1333x720).  I measured out how many times the sides of the zoomed up box now fit across/down the big box.  It ended up being 4x the width and height.

Therefore I conclude that the background painting needs to be  2,880 x 5,332.  Does this sound right to you guys or am I crazy?


  1. Haha YES!!! Way to think it through. I loved reading your explanation haha. What you wrote makes total sense. Good thinking. That's kind of huge... but i guess it's the same as a 4k texture, so you'll be fine with 4gb of ram.

  2. So you and Wesley are making more than one background yeah? Since different shots require different backgrounds...

  3. If you're thinking about how much detail needs to go into this, the lens we will be using will make the background partially blurred, so super crisp brush strokes aren't going to be seen. The last shot that you have posted up here is probably the most wide angle and in-focus shot, but we might end up blurring out the background anyways in aftereffects.
