Sunday, September 2, 2012

Pipeline Structure

It is extremely important that everyone understands the following pipeline rules, naming methods, and how to use dropbox. If you do not have dropbox, please email me, I will send you an invite. It is extremely easy to upload and share files amongst the group. Become familiar with this method.

Folders and organization will be shown in the following example:

The symbol ">" signifies a folder/subfolder).
A,B,C etc is the Letter of the Shot. There are 26 shots, one for each letter of the alphabet A-Z. 
F stands for Frame and will always be followed by .000 (3 decimal places). For Shot F's final renders it will look like this: " Shot_F_F001.tiff "
Things to note: All assets have a shading network. That shading network is attached to the object in the scene. Do not export or import an .obj or that information will be lost. This is especially important for Larry and the Pigeon. Use the .mb files for referencing models and rigs. 

The biggest problem could be that we don't backup our files. YOU will be responsible for backing up your files, always saving them as different names (don't overwrite your files!!) and uploading them to flash drives, hard drives, dropbox, google drive, sending them to yourself in an email, or whatever means necessary. Computers crash, hard drives fail. Be prepared. Once every 2 weeks files will be backed up on a 1TB Hard drive. So be sure to keep your files. Don't delete things until we tell you to. 








Temp Renders
                                   >  Shot_A_Turn_F111.tiff 
                                   >  Shot_K_Swallow_F012.tiff 
                        Small Assets
                                    > Shot_B_Sandwich_F003.tiff
Final Renders

Direction to Layout

1. Open empty maya scene
2. Reference Dropbox > Pigeon_Film > Models, Rigging
     - Choose the models you'll need or choose Reference_All_Models.mb
     - Reference Larry's Rig, not his model, you will need it for positioning him. 
3. Before saving be certain to uncheck the checked box in the Reference Editor on all the models and rig or remove the references. This will keep the maya scene clean in the pipeline. To use the reference editor see the images below. 
4. Save the file in "Layout" as Layout_A.mb etc. with only the animated cameras in the scene. 
Direction to Animation

1. Open empty maya scene
2. Reference Dropbox > Pigeon_Film > Models, Layout, Rigging
 - Create a reference from Layout and import the rigs from Rigging for whatever shot you're working on.
3. Save the file in the "Rough" folder if not finished and do not remove the references. 
4. Once finished with the shot save the file in the "Final" folder, do not remove the references. 

Direction to Lighting

1. Open empty maya scene
2. Reference Dropbox > Pigeon_Film > Models, Animation, Textures, Shaders
- Choose the models you'll need or choose Reference_All_Models.mb. 
3. Save Lighting files in > Lighting as .mb files. 
4. Save cached render passes in > Temp Renders. 
5. Save approved final render passes in > Renders. 
- Theres a lot more to lighting than you think. Be prepared to spend some time with the reference editor and making sure things that are suppose to work, do work. If something is not working because someone else in the pipeline messed up, finding a solution with them is best, but if it is not possible, creating your own solution is pivotal, even if it means doing something other than what a lighter would normally do, like writing a script or working around a problem so that we won't have to backtrack. 

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