Thursday, June 21, 2012

Larry Head update

Here's some progress on his FACE! Thanks a ton for all the feedback, sorry I'm so amateur! But I do feel it's looking a lot better. I included one where I just painted some eyes and teeth in to give kind of a preview of how he will look! What do you guys think?
I think I may focus more now on his body and try to get that modeled as soon as possible so I can use the remaining time to let you guys critique it and let me know what I can fix.


  1. Holy crap. Awesome. Love the jaw and the chin. They're perfect. Part of me wonders what he'd look like if you brought the eyes closer together. Just as an experiment, ya know?

    I seriously have chills...

  2. Yeah start working on the body- I'd ask Laura what she thinks about what you've done so far. It's still not matching the concept but it's about 10x better than it was. Nice work dude.

  3. Can I just say, as a representative of the inartistic masses, that this project is totally awesome! And I think Aaron is a super cool dude and his Larry Head is super cool too. Keep it up guys!
