Thursday, August 16, 2012

Bethesda Terrace

So, I've been to New York three times...lived there for the summer...but I was always doing ballet. Like, all day everyday. So I dare say that I STILL haven't seen much of New York...just the inside of ballet studios. Anyways, that being said...I finally tracked down the area in Central Park where I envision this story taking place and even tracked down the fountain! It's Bethesda Terrace and the fountain is called "The Angel of Water". Here are some pics for reference and what not.

Hahaha, how coincidental. There are PIGEONS sitting on the statue!

 This image is REALLY good. It has the back ground trees and a nice view of the ground and the designs in the brickwork

This image made me smile because it's so perfect for us. It's almost EXACTLY the view I was going for. Just imagine a little pigeon sitting there....exploding.

1 comment:

  1. Cool reference. It looks like we could put larry in a similar world. :)
